Friday, September 24, 2010

Leed Architecture

For this project we took picture that highlighted the ecologically green aspects of our campus. We took pictures of the water efficient toilets, the synthetic grass, the energy saving lights in Maxwell hall, the rain garden, the vegetable and fruit garden, the Commons building, and the green material desks in the Writing Center. For most of my photographs, I focused on details, and I think it was successful. However, I think my picture of the lights in Maxwell hall and the Commons both showed the interesting lines formed by the architecture itself and were also successful. 

The Unexpected Moment

Of these photographs, this picture is the strongest because it shows two girls in deep concentration, and completely unaware of the camera. It really captures the moment of them drawing what they see in the distance, and the composition and colors are pleasing to the eye.

This photo is the weakest of the group, because the two girls are not really relating with each other. You can see that they are both happy and laughing, but it doesn't not capture a moment that shows a strong emotion like the other photos.