Thursday, January 20, 2011

Urban Photography

For this project we focused on taking pictures in an urban setting. We tried to focus on the buildings and the setting more than the people. We each chose one famous urban photographer whose work we liked and took pictures in a similar style as them. The photographer I was inspired by was Eugene Atget. I noticed that many of his photos focused on alleys so I took multiple pictures of alleys, but I only printed one of them. I also tried to take pictures that focused on the lines of the architecture, more than the people, because Atget often took pictures early in the morning, so that there would be no people in them. Unfortunately, the photographs for this project did not scan very well, and have red at the bottom of them. I think some of my photographs, such as the second one down and the last one, were much more successful than others, but overall I am happy with the project.

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